Sometimes coming up with interesting side dishes is difficult while following the Paleo diet. But we’ve got you covered here with this unique salad that is packed with flavor from only seven ingredients and a few seasonings. It takes only about 15 minutes to prepare and gets better over time after sitting in the fridge, how perfect is that?  So you can make this salad a day or two before the big BBQ and know you have one less thing to worry about as it sits in the fridge and dares you not to sneak a few bites just to “taste test”.

Speaking of just that, this smoky and sweet broccoli and chicken salad tested our willpower for a few days as it sat in the fridge waiting patiently to be photographed for this blog post. We didn’t get to take any pictures of it the day I made it so we put it off until the next day when we had more time. Unfortunately, the next day and the day after that turned into rainy and ugly days for taking pictures. So we just had to let this tasty salad sit there in the fridge and not eat it for two whole days – torture!

Luckily, the sitting time in the fridge lets all of the flavors of this salad set in and blend together. I have to say it was well worth the wait. Smoky bacon and paprika, crunchy almond slivers and broccoli, creamy mayo and chicken, sweet grapes – Yum!!

Try out this smoky and sweet broccoli chicken salad, and let us know what you think by leaving a comment below and adding a rating. Also, take a picture and tag it on Instagram @realsimplegood so we can check it out!