Vegan Baking Ain’t Easy

It’s not that we try to eat vegan at all because clearly we don’t. Just do a quick scroll though our recent posts, and it is obvious we are all about the grass-fed beef, pastured pork and other high quality proteins among other things. That said, if you ever go on a stint of not eating eggs or actually can’t eat eggs….baking becomes a whole new thing. And getting the right consistency without eggs is crazy hard (at least for this Paleo vegan banana bread it was tough for me)! But fear not, I don’t give up easy and really, really wanted banana bread, so you’re welcome! 😉

But Why No Eggs You Ask

I read years ago that a lot of people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have allergies and sensitivities to eggs. Well, I really like them and baking, so I decided to turn a deaf ear to that one. It is kind of comical that I say that because one of my primary symptoms of my MS is that I have permanent hearing loss in one of my ears (I’m not actually deaf – just have bad hearing in one ear – ask Justin he’ll tell you). It was sudden and happened shortly before my diagnosis – actually that hearing loss is really the reason I came to get my diagnosis, but that’s another story.

I’ve digressed, so when I say I turned a deaf ear to the idea of eggs maybe not being the best option for me…well, I must have turned to the left (my right ear is the bad one)! But it kind of always stuck with me and lingered in the back of my mind. So…I recently decided to ditch eggs and see how I feel. I think the answer is that I feel better without them. It’s sad and good all at the same time. Making this Paleo Vegan Banana Bread was a must for me. I just needed a slice of comfort food and that is exactly what banana bread is for me.

So Many Tries

I really did work on this Paleo vegan banana bread quite a bit longer than it usually takes me to “get it right”. I think you’re really going to like it though! The outer edges get that almost crispy, but kind of chewy texture, where the inside is like regular banana bread texture but slightly more gooey. It’s actually become a new favorite and something Justin and I go through pretty quick when it’s sitting on the counter! Justin is not typically much of a muffin/bread person, so when he enjoys something I know it has the golden stamp of approval! And you can really do whatever you want for the toppings, or no toppings at all to make it your own. We just happen to like adding some extra banana and walnuts sometimes. Other times chocolate chips! And of course, the obligatory nut butter drizzle!

Some Other Egg-Free Snacks + Treats

Your Turn To Try Our Paleo Vegan Banana Bread

Whether you are not eating eggs or just want a baked good, give this Paleo vegan banana bread a try! It is really easy to make and nobody would even suspect it is Paleo and Vegan friendly. Let us know how it goes by leaving a comment below. Also, take a photo and tag us on Instagram @realsimplegood, so we can check it out!


Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 77Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 77Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 59Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 56Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 17Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 81Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 45Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 54Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 71Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 33Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 52Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 49Paleo Vegan Banana Bread  GF  Dairy Free  Egg Free   Refined Sugar Free  - 16