Disclaimer: We partnered with Bob’s Red Mill to bring you this post. We only work with companies and brands we truly believe in and use ourselves. Therefore, all opinions and recipes are entirely our own. Thank you for supporting The Real Simple Good Life and our partners.

These muffins look loaded – What’s in them?

Morning glory muffins are typically loaded full of dried and fresh fruits, carrots, nuts, seeds, spices and really anything else that sounds good. Sometimes they have oats in them (not Paleo, but you can add gluten-free oats if you tolerate them). We used raisins, apples, carrots, pecans and some basic spices. I think the cardamom makes them extra special!

What nut-free, gluten-free baking flour do you use

For gluten-free and Paleo-friendly baking flours, we typically turn to Bob’s Red Mill and have for years. You’ll see us using their flours in many of our recipes – from sweet to savory! For these morning glory breakfast muffins, we used their Cassava Flour. This was actually our first time playing around with their Cassava Flour, and it went really well! Cassava Flour is naturally gluten-free and nut-free. It is made from the whole root of the cassava plant and has a mild flavor and fine texture that is great for gluten-free cooking and baking. Bob’s Red Mill Cassava Flour is also Non-GMO verified! We love the quality of their products from mill to table and the fact that they’re a local Oregon company!

Why do you use dried fruit over fresh fruit in your muffins?

Sometimes I will actually use the fresh fruit, but I often find that in Paleo baking fresh fruit just ends up getting mushy and then the baked goods either have to be refrigerated or just don’t last long on the counter. So, I often lean on dried fruit instead to make my baked goods more shelf-stable and keep the consistency how I want it. It’s an easy swap, and you can try either way. Just pick the option that best suits your needs for these breakfast muffins.

Any tips for where to find coconut butter or making it at home

You can find coconut butter for sale at health food stores, like Whole Foods, Natural Grocers and the like. You’ll notice the price tag is a bit steep though. I prefer to just make it at home because it is WAY more affordable and actually really easy to do. I pick up some shredded coconut at the store. About 3-4 cups of shredded coconut will make about a half cup of coconut butter. You just put it in a food processor, and let it run. You’ll hear an audible change in the way it runs. At that point, stop your food processor, and scrape down the sides. Then, restart again. Keep doing this until the consistency is velvety and buttery. It’s that easy!

Your turn to try our Paleo morning glory breakfast muffins

Make a batch this coming weekend! Enjoy these breakfast muffins during your busy work week or toss them in the freezer and pull one or two out as needed for breakfasts or snacks. Leave a comment and rating below and let us know how it goes! Also, take a pic to share on Instagram, and tag us @realsimplegood so we can check it out! And if you don’t already, make sure to give us a follow – let’s stay connected! SHARE IT NOW OR PIN IT FOR LATER!

Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 88Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 79Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 31Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 43Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 11Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 24Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 22Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 7Morning Glory Breakfast Muffins  Paleo  Vegan   Nut Free option  - 24