Cozy Start To The Day

Initially the thought of moving away from coffee everyday made me want to cry. Like curl up in a ball and rock and cry because how could life really ever be any good without coffee?? Ok, dramatic much? I know. But really, it was daunting to think of giving up coffee in the morning. I realized though, that what I actually love about my morning ritual is just having a warm, cozy cup of SOMETHING in my hand. Coffee is great, but there are lots of ways to have a satisfying mug in the morning, and this golden milk latte is a pretty good one!

Benefits Of Turmeric

This golden milk latte is made with ground turmeric and has some black pepper added in to help make the turmeric more bioavailable, or easy for your body to absorb and use. And you want your body to absorb and use the turmeric. Turmeric is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties and has been used for a long time in cooking and medicine in India. This PBS post goes into much about the history and benefits of turmeric. I’m sure that by now you’ve heard that turmeric is good for you, and it is great to introduce it into your everyday cooking. This golden milk latte is a tasty way to promote health and wellness!

All The Spices

If you scroll down and look at the recipe, you’ll notice I added a bunch of spices. You might be down with that, or you might be like what the heck is cardamom. Here’s the thing – you can totally play with the spices and try what you have on hand. I experimented a bit and this is the combo that I ended up liking most. But hey – you do you and figure out what YOU like best! Maybe start with this and tweak from there – some days I add more cinnamon, and other days I want a little more spice so I add more cloves. It’s fun to try different combos and come up with cozy concoctions.

Some Other Non-Coffee Drinks To Try

Your Turn To Try Our Golden Milk Latte

Mix up your morning routine with the golden milk latte! Leave a comment and let us know how it goes and what spices you like best. Also, take a pic to share on Instagram! Tag us @realsimplegood, and give us a follow if you don’t already! We’d love to stay connected! SHARE IT NOW OR PIN IT FOR LATER!

Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 40Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 92Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 54Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 62Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 94Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 8Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 82Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 40Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 77Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 71Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 5Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 14Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 41Golden Milk Latte  Paleo  Whole30  Keto   Vegan  - 3