So what is a plantain?

Plantains are like an oversized banana, but rather than being soft and sweet like a ripe banana, plantains are starchy and cooked and eaten more like a vegetable than a fruit. They are technically a fruit, but treated more like a vegetable. You wouldn’t just peel a plantain and eat it raw, but rather you’d do something like this recipe and pan fry them or bake them.

What is the difference between green and yellow plantains?

The color of a plantain tells you how ripe it is. Green plantains are the least ripe and the most starchy. Yellow and yellow/brown plantains are ripe plantains to overripe plantains and get sweeter and softer the more ripe they are. You can use either green or yellow plantains for these pan fried plantains. Depending on the flavor you are going for, choose your plantains accordingly. If you want more sweet, caramelized plantains….go for a more yellow to yellow/brown plantain. And if you’re looking for something more like a starchy potato, grab green plantains.

Tips for pan frying plantains

Don’t be scared by the word fried for this recipe. We promise…it’s really easy and quick to pan fry plantains. It goes even faster when they are really ripe, so you just have to pay attention and not overcook the plantains. Here are some cooking tips:

Use either avocado oil or coconut oil (we prefer avocado oil for a neutral taste)Put on an apron to avoid any grease splatters on your clothesCut the plantains into even slices so they cook in about the same time

It just takes a couple minutes on each side to get them to caramelize and get crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Give it a try!

Some other recipes with plantains


Your turn to try our pan fried plantains recipe

Give this pan fried plantains recipe a try, and let us know how it goes by leaving a comment below. Tell us what your favorite thing to eat them with is. Also, take a picture and tag it on Instagram @realsimplegood so we can check it out! And if you don’t already follow us, make sure to give us a follow! Let’s stay connected! SHARE IT NOW OR PIN IT FOR LATER!

Crispy  10 Minute   Pan Fried Plantains - 42Crispy  10 Minute   Pan Fried Plantains - 62Crispy  10 Minute   Pan Fried Plantains - 90Crispy  10 Minute   Pan Fried Plantains - 61Crispy  10 Minute   Pan Fried Plantains - 30Crispy  10 Minute   Pan Fried Plantains - 74Crispy  10 Minute   Pan Fried Plantains - 91Crispy  10 Minute   Pan Fried Plantains - 88